CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,
back cover

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Proactive Strategy for IT, Telephony & Energy

When taking a proactive approach to company growth, new technologies, corporate planning, marketing programs and any activity impacting employees, customers or vendors think about strategy. That same impact is also on equipment, procedures, processes, applications all dealing with installed equipment. Look at the history, check for future opportunities, and look at the moment. What is impacting your business now? Believe it or not some companies are making money, growing, expanding, positioning for the future and doing it all now.

Strategies work and sometimes we adjust. Years ago with I was selling equipment I remember sales training that said "don't fix what isn't broken". We all have to gauge timing. Good leaders know this, do it, observe processes while fixing only that which is broken. What does this have to do with technology and decisions? Everything. Companies are not closed environments, they are dynamic, constantly moving, adding, changing. It all works together.

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