CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,
back cover

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Company Provided Cell Phones and PC's

Who owns the device? It is the corporation's or the individual's. The deciding factor is ownership. Are passwords part of the programs and who owns the password? Most databases are not up to date. Did someone get paid from an expense account? Or was the expendure corporate acquistion? Databases are not keeping up which can be a security issue. When a promotion or transfer in internal are passwords and access removed immediately for databases no longer part of the employees responsibility? Are databases secure? This is one arena not to cut back on when it comes to security. One friend has a security company and frequently breaks into computer systems to show how vunerable her clients are on security issues. To use her words, "act like to know what you're doing the employees never question the motives". Her clients are usually banks. Scary right! Ever heard of industrial esponoge

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