CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,
back cover

Friday, July 31, 2009

Marketing Efforts Do Not Warrant Smart Decisions

The good ole girl club or the good ole boy club is not the best source of information on vendors or manufacturers. Just because the referral sheet indicates a competitor, friend or like business does not make it the industry expert for a good buying decision. Some vendors, manufacturing presentation, manufacturers and popular equipment suppliers touting an electronic brand does not enrich the features, in fact one brand is feature poor. It takes a professional with insider information, no I'm not talking about stock, I'm talking solid competitive information to weight the benefits, vulnerability, applications, needs analysis and understanding how an organization operations run to know what to recommend. Just because you know someone in a social circle does not mean knowing equals quality. When did aggressive marketing efforts get rewarded by popular demand? It may be a house hold name, industry recognized name, whatever, it still does not constitute a sound decision. Anyone understanding consumer reports knows quality wanes and one years product does not indicate quality continues forever. Being safe when needing to rip or replace is important, consult with an unbias source, especially with electronics that can zap the energy bill.

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