CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,
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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Combined Green Chatter and Stone Rings Blog July 1

Speaking with an local IT company today one of the people told me when he was hired 3years ago the company was throwing PC's in the trash. That is so negative on the ground water and soil for years to come. People poo pooing environmental issues remain ignorant because the research has been done. Any electronics has chemicals that are harmful. End of story. The bigger the equipment and more chemicals. Operating companies center offices, data centers, call centers are full of toxins.
Humans do not fair well with toxins especially if they are being trashed including being shipped overseas. That is not recycling, it's just killing foreign people. These are the same people that have families that love them. Children that need healthy parents and if it is wrong in the US, it's wrong every where.

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