CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,
back cover

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ethics, Vendors & Consulting

For a positive person with ethics it becomes very difficult in this Economy of Fear, Economy of Distrust, Economy of CEO's and Board of Directors, Economy of Greed, Economy of Broken Promises, Economy of Political Wrongs, well you get the picture. It's all around us everyday. Talking with several dozen people today the resounding issues were all outlined. Research for a new book I'm writing the passion for moral standards is alive and well. Big business needs to pay attention because people are catching onto the antics. Not training customer services representative properly is causing more anger. How many client will you cheat before the word gets out? One company was going overseas and was told you have unlimited access on your card. Well why with unlimited access did they receive a $32,000 dollar bill? Consultants in my field share information and vendors beware. We are ethical and we share information daily. If it isn't right by our clients, we know about who, what, why and how you are treating our customers/clients. The word gets out on the street.

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