CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,
back cover

Saturday, July 18, 2009

New book for Release January 2010

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice in a Turbulent Time, this is for business owners, grad students, masters programs and any one wanting to understand CEO perceptives in a market swollen with an Economy of Fear, Economy of Distrust, Angst about 401K's, corporate benefits, and most of all, Ethics. Speaking with a former CEO of a non-profit recently she left, resigned due to lack of responsibility of the Board of Directors. People want recognition but no work, they want to be a hero for serving without any service. She also shared about another local CEO that's a gossip, good heart but a gossip. Gee whiz Charlie Brown, let's get back to being real, caring, having self esteem and reaching out for the benefit of others. This world is begging for Truth, Kindness, Caring, Responsible, Ethical behavior, NOW. It all starts with us, one at a time.

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