CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,
back cover

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Understanding the Flow of Internal Orders

Companies do not understand how billing errors happen on telephone bills. These are the reasons: 1 Orders between companies do not have correct information 2 coding on electronic order is incorrect 3 people make mistakes, we're all human 4 engineering misunderstands the instructions 5 someone makes a decision based on capacity 6 construction in infrastructure has limits 7 someone makes a decision that impacts the order if mind reading occurs 8 billing goes into the electronic billing system and what is billed or invoiced is not what was quoted. One for all of these can happen and 9 communication between companies involved goes awry. End users especially those with new construction are vulnerable to project management missing a install date. 10 contact on the order, who is responsible for allowing on sight permission to entering the physical premise and other construction issues from the manhole into the building must meet the criteria and codes of the industry. Names given are incorrect or the employee on site is not good communicator 11 Engish and clarification should not be a problem but that alone is 99 percent of the problem.
12 telephone calls are not returned or not responsively, this along is huge in our working day and is getting worse. Clarify, clarify, clarify.

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