CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,
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Monday, June 8, 2009

Diverse Routing on Local Loops

After many New York based corporations or corporations in the Towers were lost during attacks, many companies became more aware of protecting data and communications. Little could have been done during that destruction unless all data had been stored beyond the reaches of that devastation. However the demand for fiber increased and has continued to grow as organizations demand higher levels of bandwidth. Route diversity is one alternative to having cuts in fiber as is ring topology an alternative. Diversity as always is expensive. Rings however give the best protection and unless distance in design or real estate location is the impact on cost, rings can be quite economical. Verify, specify, shop costs and do not look to one vendor for all information. Vendor representatives can be brainwashed, many think they are the best because a vendor's training, marketing message and corporate dictum all focus on sales, ROI, savings. That's great. Let's focus on what's best for the client, the clients' issues, needs, market, employees needs, customer's needs, etc., instead of me, me, me and what I can sell you, vendors. Put the client first, helping lends to credibility.

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