CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,
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Thursday, June 18, 2009

CEO, ROI, Save Money, Save Energy, Intelligent Choices

Who is tracking the telephone bill? Who is tracking the power consumption? Who is approving the checks? In changing out systems, upgrading, buying new capacity in computers, network, and telephone equipment, make sure your vendor and the manufacturer being used is making GREEN equipment and the features are what your company needs. Lastly, check with a respected and ethical source for validating energy consumption. Assign one person first to make sure the equipment invoices reflect the quote, second, verify that the energy/power bill does not increase drastically. I am not talking about hot summer months or cold winter months. Plan IT and telephony changes in non-seasonal impacting months when change will not impact your energy budget. Glitches happen! When I was in direct sales years ago, I told my clients, "if you want to screw something this industry, hurry it up". Another thing to remember is "things break, it happens". Finding out during the research stages can save hundreds of thousands of dollars in so many directions. Just know the facts from an objective, ethical source.

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