CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,
back cover

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Connecting the Dots Between Effective Communication and Productivity

This isn't a new topic but an important one with the correlation between human effectiveness, accurate and simple communication plus what we spend on technology to help us make money, spend money and be effective in our organization. Whew, that's a sentence. Making technology work for you, your company, your employees as well as return on investment. Sounds simple when in practice it is a difficult measurement.
When implementing new equipment from a telephone to an expense piece in the lab, are you getting what you need? Are employees using the equipment the way it is designed to be used? Was training good without industry jargon confusing instruction? Is there savings projected and who is measuring the savings? How often are reports compiled and received? What were the predictions on savings; productivity or money or both? Is there an effective motivation for proper use?

We spend billions each year for the biggest and best in every profession. Are we getting the hard or soft rate of return promised by the manufacturer or the vendor?
Answers to the questions on the front end may help with buying decisions in the process and evaulating impact along the way as well as strategy on capital outlay then measurement for validation 6 months down the road, recurring every 6 months for long term validation. Measurement is simply impact on productivity or business improvement.

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