CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,
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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Let the computer think for you.

First of all, computers do not think. Computers are programmed. People are programed by their own shortcomings to think the computer is smart. Computers are dumb machines, people are smart, well sometimes. Programmers are commonly called Nerds, Geeks, etc. even Best Buy has the Geek Squad, why? It's a popular play on words. Geeks and Nerds are smart people fascinated with the workings of a machine, development process of machines, networks and how to make them work, etc. Geeks are usually not the best communicators so why do we use trust them to develop this stuff called networking, processing, data, voice, technology, etc. They develop things the way THEY think, not necessarily the way non-geeks think. Computers need power/electricity to run so as telephones evolved into computers, which is the current state, they need power to run. Be sure to questions vendors about power options prior to signing the contract for new systems. Install dates are too late for changing plans. Know options on the front end to save your company from vulnerable experiences.

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