CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,
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Monday, August 10, 2009

Audits, Issues and Ignorance

Interviewing a CEO today, for a book I'm compiling, the CEO's are writing the book via the interviews, he shares the value of learning. I agree whole heartedly. There is a world of knowledge that continues to expand almost at a geometric speed. As technology, as people, as populations explode, knowledge comes forth, a gift, a curse is happening. We are becoming slaves to technology yet we buy more gadgets.

The other side of the coin is the technology that is hidden from us. That master wizard of programming that writes an complex code so deep in the stack we can not or do not comprehend the mythology or methodology to understand. What to use, how to use, want to use, just can not figure out WHAT are you wanting Mr. Wizard? This is when everything becomes a mystery. This is what occurs when programming, tariffs, FCC regulation, SEC regulation and legislation go awry.

The CEO was not being trite, he was serious when repeating another CEO's verbiage about a telecommunication problem, as preceived. Preception, reality, technology is a master in the making. It needs to be clearer as does most issues or maybe just the way we confuse everything in innocent ignorance, which is not a bad thing just un-informed, especially with billing errors, oh yes, they exists galore, they are everywhere. Part of the answer is in-put. Who is giving the information to the order entry department?...this could go on for me if you need help...I know stuff.

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