CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,
back cover

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Green & Stone Rings Together

Webinar today learned more about energy use, dangers to performance of IT and telephony equipment, impact or energy consumption, air duct, AC all using huge amounts of energy. The smaller the chip the more energy. Manufacturer of e-quipment, yes, the hyphen is intentional, knew about the problem of small chips and energy correlation but ignored the fact. It is more and more critical today then ever to understand the energy of systems as well as the ones using less energy. Some manufacturers are getting it right. The more watts, the higher the cost.
Also found out from an excellent source VOIP or voice over internet protocal can be a huge drain. As Gary said today "IT is not looking at the power bill. Change systems, spend more on energy. Unless you know what to look for from the vendor/manufacturer.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Security & Technology

Tonight my computer is acting very strange. Put your name out there and people will find you. The good, the bad, the ugly. Sad but they are out there. Some people rejoice in stealing from others whether it is the hard drive, the bank account, the credit card. Someone is always trying to crack your code. Cyber space is tough, it is tough on people, on good people, on companies, on banks, no industry is immune profit or non-profit. Please protect yourself in every way you can, especially if your out there!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Toll Free Service for Clients calling YOU

Please if you have a toll free number, yes publish on your website but also have your local number listed below or above the toll free number. When the local number is not easily found on the website it's saying, "we have no local business". Why would you want your local customers to call on a service you pay for to have the contact? The company is already paying for business lines so those calls are added expense. This is the same impact on publishing a toll free number in the local paper directory. Why pay for local publishing of a toll free number. With cell phones being used more and more for all calling the clients are being charged for cell minutes and the toll free service client is paying too. Double charges just do not make good business sense.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Generational Technology

Just read a great article in the New York Times about voice mail and the millennium generation ignoring voice mail. The have too many other types of information sources so eliminating one is a choice. Not all feel this way, just be aware when and if you have the generation gap in your marketing program. We think differently between the generations in our society. In corporate America it's called diversity because we all have much to know regarding the formation of society and the different values of those we touch. Yes, this is very much about telephones, the way things are changing and as always people and values changing. Great article, hope you enjoy.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Technology and Society

Ever noticed how people sign up for something and not really commit to doing anything. That ole 20 80 rule again at play. What does that have to do with technology? The same rule applies to the way people are using voice mail and cell phones. 80 percent of our popluation is hiding behind technology, either email, voice mail, number displays on telephones, delete not read, whatever the game. 20 percent are engaged, polite, answer phone calls, respond to email, etc. Technology is running our lives and our manners. What's manners you ask, it's what our parents, at least those parents involved with their children taught us. At least one place in time people were taught manners. Just my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Expensive decision

This spring one business owner shared a story about a VOIP system installation. Wrong vendor, wrong application for vendor to install, wrong dollar spent on wrong application for customer. Or was this the wrong application and the wrong vendor or just ignorance on the vendors part. Installations without a lot of questions with answers from more then the decision maker is the first sign of a lack of thorough analysis. Sales people are great but how often do they ignore the needs, applications, culture, departmental workings, internal department as well as external customers need? Some and take all the information from the decison maker and they may be smart but they know everything while there doing their responsibilities?

Friday, April 24, 2009

Toll Free commonly called 800 service

Read an article last fall about a company implementing a new marketing plan including toll free number just to complete the marketing program. Problem was when clients/customers called in they would end up hanging up. Application, programming, equipment, VRU or voice response unit, meaning more equipment, more programming, were not part of the plan. Planning ahead to make sure staff is knowledgable, equipment is capable, installation is appropriate, based on current configuration is all part of the analysis and implementation and installation. The company in the article was spending thousands and losing money. Not good. We all make mistakes yet we can lessen the waste and pain of mistakes. Making sure we understand the components involved and integration of new programs will help. Talk with the vendors prior to understand if the application fits while being aware a sales job may come with the application.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Harping again, this time it's serious

It's time to review the TRO on electronic equipment, telephone systems are mostly electronic computers. I know oxymoron to say the least. The best way to put it is all electronics are energy consumption animals. Buying Green and knowing the best way to save budget dollars on energy costs can help in this environment. Check out the TRO or the technical reference. If energy is not listed in watts per hour be cautious. The other issue is comparison, especially if upgrading or buying new equipment, ask for referrals, check with other vendors and other manufacturers.
The money is yours or your company's, vendors want a piece of the pie. They want to push the inventory in the warehouse, not your applications or needs. Firms area not all alike, they have specifics and so do their customers. One size does not fit all in electronics. This is not rocket science. Frequently sales people are unaware of other issues such as energy, they are sales people, not analytical types, not technicians, nor electrical engineers, they are in sales as well as have a passion for what they do, people, relationship, making money. Protect you and your interest by understanding the handshake between energy and electronics.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Talk, talk, Talk or is that communication

OK, I'm harping again but how many companies have IT staff doing the telecom for the company. A few very validate points: 1) IT is not telecom, even if the telephone is a computer. 2) IT is fantastic for programming, solving computer problems, solving network issues, 3) doing IT stuff and a whole lot more. IT is NOT telecom. In fact I'm not sure all telecom people know marketing, R & D, analysis of applications, impact of goofy problems with telephones, operation of such a device, how cables can conflict between heat/air ducts, electrical conduct, and a world of project management with new construction. Communication that simple speaking and listening skill can add so much value when problem solving. Telecommunication is a strata technology mecca. Do not leave your firms telecommunication to chance.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Basic Communication

Any time a project is not on time there is an issue hidden from the eyes of those completing the objective. Problem solving with telecommunications installation issues are ubiquitous (communication - people to people) is everywhere. We need to talk in English, to make it all work. Texting and email are not the problem solvers. Talking and getting straight to the problem gets everything done, right and on-time! Oh and by the way, if someone does something nice for you, write a Thank You, in English, in the US Post office or I might delete you!! Learn to write, nicely and thank you for reading my blog. I appreciate you.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Conduit Runs

Building a new facility is expensive. Yet adding to the facility after completion is more expensive. Allow some extra costs to be added for conduit big enough for future generations of tenants, changes in technology, changes in service and more demand for conduit for each type of wiring. Electricity, cable, fiber all need room in conduit to consider each of the components mentioned. All these will depend on the square footage of the total building. Allow for growth and save money by looking ahead.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Totally Cool Application

Ok, I'm a child of the 60's but yes I still use the expression COOL. Tonight while making flight reservations for a family wedding in June, Southwest Airlines has implemented a customer service application. Instead of you holding for an indefinite amount of time, they take your number via a recorded message and prompt spot where you give your telephone number and name. They call you back within the time said on a recording, bingo, no need to listen to their advertising, their choice of music, their garbage. I fly Southwest every time I can because I love the customer service, the lack of stuffeness or is that stuffyness, and love to laugh. Listen to Colleen Barrett's passion about the value of family, customer service, and mission/value/vision. This is an airline worth it's weight in gold. Telecom application smart and still flying while treating people right. A refreshing cause in a very recently unethical world.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Dual Entrance

Making a choice to add a dual entrance during initial construction can save money for future needs. Since having this for diversity of local loop, security from down time, or ring deployment for voice/data applications. Even if all these decisions are months away, even years away, the costs is so much less then add-on construcion.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

When making decisions to buy telephone systems (now mostly computer driven technology), please ask for references. Next do not ask about system effectiveness, ask about the following subjects; customer service, did energy

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Helping Others

Today was unique. I helped facilitate a group of small business owners with some marketing issues. The co-facilitator wanted to be the expert and talk the entire time.
Ever go to an event and wonder what you were thinking when you made the decision to go to this particular event? I have for sure. What this has to do with telecommunication? Being burned by someone that wants to sell their business, their ideas, their product in your face when presenting to you. This blog is for you, it is not all about me. This is sharing information you can use small, medium, big, we all need help. Giving back to someone is a start.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Questions about invoices

I find it fascinating how access (lines/trunks) providers bill for services to their customers, especially when the bills have absolutely no detail. What questions do customers ask when paying almost 2K a month for service and almost one half of the bill is a credit? How can a relatively small customer be given a 45% discount. Seems like something was over priced to begin with right? Questions, questions, questions.
Oh yea, that thing called smoke and mirrors hmm, just wondering about those discounts.

Billing Questions

I find it fascinating how access (lines/trunks) providers bill for services to their customers, especially when the bills have absolutely no detail. What questions do customers ask when paying almost 2K a month for service and almost one half of the bill is a credit? How can a relatively small customer be given a 45% discount. Seems like something was over priced to begin with right? Questions, questions, questions.
Oh yea, that thing called smoke and mirrors!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Telephony or IT

So many companies ask IT departments to handle telephony including the telephone bills. The difference between, although a close handshake exist, is a mile wide. IT people are smart, great at IT stuff but they are not telephony people.
Do they understand the corporate strategy? Are they involved with marketing plans? Is applications for departments part of the job description of IT personnel? I think not. Are telephone bill interruptation part of their skill set? NOT! Allow IT to do the jobs they know and not the burden of decipher-ship. Sorry, that's an Ina word.

Correlating Talent with Skills

Monday, April 13, 2009

Customer Service Frustrations

April is proving to be an interesting month. As a personal trainer my husband needs release forms with physician signature when there is a health issue such as high blood pressure, heart disease, etc., that it is ok for patient to exercise. Attempting to help him today get a form to a physician office I call to ask the fax number. Not only was there no one to answer the phone, the physician's staff could not be located, even after listing to a exceeding long message and following the prompt's via the voice response unit, the message continues to revert back again. Customer Service has become non existent.

Voice Response Units are not customer friendly devices. If a corporation must use these units, a minimum of advertising, request for prompt, etc., should be short and explicit. I sure would not want to go to a physician that treats patients like the example I went through this morning.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Voice Response Unit

Ok, I'm harping on VRU technology. Why? Not all are created equal. There is a huge reason to use a VRU, including saving reception/administrative time or not having a dedicated telephone attendent. Not all offices can afford this expensive. The suggestion is just realize how the proposed unit work upon installation. Twice in the last few months I've been locked out of a company because of the way the VRU works.
Clients disappear, customers are forlorn, customer service is not working, hang ups happen but most important, customer leave! Buyer beware.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Multiple Diverse Routes

What is route diversity? Route diversity can be defined essentially as 1)two feeder cable entrances into the building from the manhole on the property 2)two routes to the property from the access (line) provider 3)CO or Serving Wire Center diversity which is from two separate wire centers from providers network 4)Local ring diversity which is the highest level of diversity for local access 5)carrier (long distance voice & data) diversity which provides carrier diversity. The only negative regarding diversity is the cost. It takes a great deal of traffic to cost justify the protection.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

New System Caution

In 1989 James Henry Green first published a book on telecommunication with valuable information. The last update was published in 2001. This is an excellent book for any telehony professionals but there is nothing like experience with all those telphony (telecommunication professionals) acronyms. With 28 RFP (Response for Proposal) possibilites and 26 features in 2001 this has not only been changed by technology, push for information, voice over IP (mega demand) and other advances including gratification NOW increase those demands. The season is changing, if you need help, seek help. Today people want security, I was SPAMMed/SCAMMED TODAY believing I knew how to protect myself! I only spent $130 dollars but was I angry with myself for the buy in, hook, line and sinker!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Negotiating Contractors

Building a new facility is much more of a hassle then one might expect regardless of in-house talent. These were busy people before the project began. Many of the personnel including the CEO down are involved. Changes in building design at any level costs money. Have key players including consultants involved with the blueprints, including: architects, contractors, sub contractors (sometimes), engineering firms (mechanical, electrical and civil) at the table. Consultants would include any involved with the infrastructure. As is building design such as room size, layout (what is the applications), buildout, cablings, room space, IT, telephony (do not confuse the two) or you may pay big bucks on backend of project. Key to remember; The bigger the square footage, the more negotiating with all knowledgeable parties at the table and the earlier to start negotiating.

Often architects specializing in industries, why? to know about that industry. So do all professional firms specialize (not including the BIG ones that know it all and will charge). Buyer Beware: Firms that claim to do it all. A recent conversation with a CEO of a small company said about a vendor "Oh, they are huge. Sorry sir, I've been by their office, had a friend I was helping out, non-profit scenario. The huge company? It's a one man room operation. The door was even locked...!! Huge! No it wasn't a government contractor been there too.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Designing New Buildings

Seeking strategic planners in all phases of construction is crucial. What one industry profession can know it all? When construction is planned all players need to be given consideration during the planning sessions. This type of decision will assist in good use of space, saving add ons and move budget ($$). So often cable trays conflict with AC & heat ducts. Electrical outlets are not adequate to power PC's and other equipment needing power. Floor plans do not leave space of telecom distribution frames and the list goes on and on.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Billing Errors

Telephone companies are notorious for billing errors. The industry standard says 80% of bills have errors. One associate found 250K a year for two separate companies in two separate industries. That's over a cool million in four years. Who can fix the errors? It's not the company called a vendor. Why would a vendor fix an incorrect bill. They're making revenue from their errors. The bigger the monthly bill, the bigger the error and error percentage. Knowing the how to fix is the critical part and the first part is understanding something as simple as faulty communication.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Diverse Routes

One area many companies over look is diverse routing as a way to protect voice and data traffic. The best time for this is when designing the building during the architect negotiation. Why? because long term this phase will save money on construction if needed later in the building longetivity. Once the floor space is designed changes cost money and second entrances for conduct and cable are only one
aspect. Floor space is also a consideration. Where will the second entrance go in terms of firewalls, conduct runs, floor space costs, etc.? Is the a multi or single tenant building? Is the industry expanding to static? Are new employees being added to drain existing services? Long term strategy is needed and a vision for the future.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

System Security

Beware when buying new telephone equipment. Find out how long the technician has been with the company you are buying from including equipment/installation experience. Telephone systems have become computers are improper programming can leave a company vunerable to sercuity. This includes hackers accessing the system and using your lines and trucks for free long distance. This can also happen if DISA is enabled. Don't worry about what DISA means, just make sure it is disabled. Another possible feature in voice mail is a hacker capturing a dial out feature and again making free calls on the system. International calling is very expensive depending on where the country. These decisions are not as easy as having a relationship with the sales person, it's more about the technicians experience and who doing the programming. Doing this on the front end with the decision will help. Then make sure the name of the person given is the same one that shows up on install day.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Communication Gone Awry

Last fall reading a horror story about a company adding toll free service for implementing a new marketing plan and callers were being blocked from reaching the correct department. Why? Improper set up of the system. Most vendors frequently are not checking out a customer's needs. What is the application? Can our telephone system handle our needs? In this case the application (new customers) were being thwarted by the system which could be system capability, inadequate programming, poorly executed implimentation or inadequate planning. This is not an entire list for sure. Knowing how strategic planning or any new application within the company is going to impact how customers are treated, received or in this case not received is money off the bridge.