CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,
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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Totally Cool Application

Ok, I'm a child of the 60's but yes I still use the expression COOL. Tonight while making flight reservations for a family wedding in June, Southwest Airlines has implemented a customer service application. Instead of you holding for an indefinite amount of time, they take your number via a recorded message and prompt spot where you give your telephone number and name. They call you back within the time said on a recording, bingo, no need to listen to their advertising, their choice of music, their garbage. I fly Southwest every time I can because I love the customer service, the lack of stuffeness or is that stuffyness, and love to laugh. Listen to Colleen Barrett's passion about the value of family, customer service, and mission/value/vision. This is an airline worth it's weight in gold. Telecom application smart and still flying while treating people right. A refreshing cause in a very recently unethical world.

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