CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,
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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Stay with the stories, they are true

A friend moved her little office Christmas 2007. Sixteen employees strong with a loyal customer base due to the great work the company does by selecting the best and most responsive sub-contractors. Moving from a space they had outgrown into a building built to their specifications with elbow room for this creative group. December 15th, Susie had invited hubby and I over with many other clients, friends, employees and family for a Christmas Party. When I hugged her and said Thank You I whispered "if I can help (during the move) let me know. 5:00PM Monday night the phone in the office rang, Susie said "we're in trouble". I did every thing I could over the next 21 days to get service installed, it was too late. Susie's company did not "own" the order. I simply could not help. The larger the company the more complex, the more chance for error, the opportunity for confusion. After 10 years working for one large company and 10 more years working with Fortune 500 companies infrastructure for telecommunication, I know communication is a major problem. If corporations do not talk with their own employees, how can they communicate with vendors? Communication does not happen for small/mid size companies because people do not know what they don't know.

Susie and her partner had worked very hard to make sure he move was well organized. They did not realize construction and having some steps in the construction process had to occur before telecommunications lines could be brought into the building.

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