CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,
back cover

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Stay with the stories, they are true

A friend moved her little office Christmas 2007. Sixteen employees strong with a loyal customer base due to the great work the company does by selecting the best and most responsive sub-contractors. Moving from a space they had outgrown into a building built to their specifications with elbow room for this creative group. December 15th, Susie had invited hubby and I over with many other clients, friends, employees and family for a Christmas Party. When I hugged her and said Thank You I whispered "if I can help (during the move) let me know. 5:00PM Monday night the phone in the office rang, Susie said "we're in trouble". I did every thing I could over the next 21 days to get service installed, it was too late. Susie's company did not "own" the order. I simply could not help. The larger the company the more complex, the more chance for error, the opportunity for confusion. After 10 years working for one large company and 10 more years working with Fortune 500 companies infrastructure for telecommunication, I know communication is a major problem. If corporations do not talk with their own employees, how can they communicate with vendors? Communication does not happen for small/mid size companies because people do not know what they don't know.

Susie and her partner had worked very hard to make sure he move was well organized. They did not realize construction and having some steps in the construction process had to occur before telecommunications lines could be brought into the building.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Story Series - True Nightmares

Four years ago I was sitting in my office with the phone ringing, I answered although I didn't recognize the number. This is not unusual. Corporate office had decided to open a satellite office in Georgia, no one had checked whether service capacity was available for telephone service, it wasn't. Nor would it be available any time soon. Fiber does not drop out of the sky!! Engineering is involved. Engineering in outside plant, engineering from designers/other engineers, infrastructure planning, project management for fiber, equipment in CO/SWC or central office/serving wire center and for the entire process!

Contracts, Verification Confirmation

Friday, May 29, 2009

Construction Zone

Before the construction starts, before the design is signed off on, before the construction manager gets involved, a few basics apply.

Questions to ask about the job: How much growth will there be for cabling?
Where is the techology equipment room?
Will there be enough capacity for future equipment
& cable?
What will the tray capacity be in percentage of
What type of cabling is necessary for technology?
Will the cooling be adequate as well as ventilation?
Moving into the future:
Furniture layout, future moves, added employees,
jacks for telephones and other devices

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Request for Proposal

This is so bogus. Today a business professional shared our local city government made a decision to buy from a vendor without a RFP. That's like shooting yourself in the foot, literally. If there are problems, and there are, a city counsel person told me the telecommunications was a mess. Well, it will probably remain a mess. Great way to spend taxpayers money city hall! We only live in a county known all over the country as a bankrupt county. Fraud and prison sound well known if not the world definitely in the USA. Can we please bring back ethics and intelligent decisions. How can a vendor put in a system or lines without knowing the criteria?
Do departments need consideration. Who's the real customer here? There's just may be a little c and a big C too, which would be the internal and external customers. So apparently in the county I live the stupidity continues by non other than city hall. Who on earth made this decision? Whoever did should be fired or penalized somehow say thirty days without pay.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

IT & Telephony & Energy

Talking with an IT consultant today and we were discussing how IT and telephony shake hands but IT personnel does not know telecommunication, the consultant is saying you are right. Let me tell how: 1) access or business lines and how access impacts performance 2) applications; equipment and worker responsibilities count no match, not an IT issue 3) marketing strategy 4) toll free service 5) experience 6) budgeting knowledge 6) Auditing, how many IT people understand contracts and USOC's 7) Features understanding verbiage and how long will it take them to learn 100's if not 1000's of terms plus meaning. OK today I'll stop at 7 reasons. Want more, call me! You can get on my website, just google my name. Easy as pie, whoops, that's hard for most, not me, Thank you Mother!

Whoops again 8) How many IT are in charge of the energy bill? 9) How many IT people are aware of the certification costs? 10) How many IT people understand the certification process and goes with that energy bill! and how bout that budget?
Who is interested in saving money and what is this Green thing anyway?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Savng Money

Does it blow you away when you can offer to save a company money and they turn the project over to a person in their organization who does not have time to respond?
If the person does not have time to respond to saving money how can they be effective? An industry standard is 20% error rate on bills. If the error rate is 20%companies are paying for services they do not need, do not use, do not have, and yes these are factual statements. I have worked on huge billing errors to the tune of $150,000 in errors on monthly billing. That's more then most people make in annual salary! If a company bills $2500 a month in five years the savings is $30,000. If a company bills $20,500 a month that's $246,000 in five years. That's a high executive annual salary! Clue me in on the lack of responsiveness because I do not get it.
Does it blow you away when you can offer to save a company money and they turn yo

Monday, May 25, 2009

Communicating The Facts

Corporations will locate warehouses, manufacturing plants and distribution centers out away from dense populations. A few reasone are less expensive land, less expensive labor. Another reason may be less regulation. As good as these reasons are be prepared for expensive communication. Depending on the bandwidth needed be advised the costs is going to be much higher and the wait longer for the bandwidth needed.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Today's Blog and Maybe Tomorrow's

With respect to and for our service men and women across the globe this blog is dedicated to you, you desire our attention not just today but everyday you desire our prayer, our attention, our pride and appreciation of you and what you do. Not what you did today but everyday we live in a free nation with less freedom, thanks to 911 but still free. God Bless you. Agree or disagree with the movie "A Few Good Men" but I love the line "Because they stand on that wall". Thank you.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Communicating in English

Recently after having to replace the harddrive I've been limping along with the gig file thumbdrive. Finally having the time to call the computer fix-it place I was told by another geek I needed to reinstall the original program which I did for 1 and one half hour including on-line updates. This was the first time I had been told to reinstall the original and it did not work as the geek said. Now if I pay for service could I also have a little communication, in English, on how and what needs to happen next. Not sure who wrote the rules on communication but a few people need to read them or pass them out with computer science degrees.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Does Chip Size Matter

During a recent training seminar the speaker said the smaller the chip the more energy. So if technology is burning energy where does this end? Technology and energy must work together...where does it end? This was a credible source, a professional speaker, well organized, knowledgable. I will verify so stay tuned.

Corporate America needs to save energy, save money and save on utilities. Where does this all end?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Ethics and Business

Interesting conversation today with smart guy who has a cabling company with RCDD certified employees. Last year a conversation with an architect firm partner was asking about RCDD certification. Finally after 1 and 1/2 years I finally connected with an RCDD firm. RCDD is BICSI a certification which is a building code for telcom and IT companies cabling for the proper cabling to occur during design, construction and cabling for telephones and data equipment. BICSI headquarters is located in Tampa, Florida. For BICSI certifications a long term study with no guarantee of passing the exam. Tough process, needed process for getting the cabling right.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Gone Awry

We need to tweak a few things especially our values. Customers are the ones that bring us revenue so we need to better our customer service, no more off shore customer service, no more VRU units that do not work right, no more panning off customers to VRU units with no options. The smart business person is the one that says, "my clients are my revenue", the check implies the money, 401K, benefits, options, etc. come from the company you work for, NO SIR, they come from the client/customer. Let's get back to values! Please

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Webinars & Learning

Recently I'm using webinars to balance professional articles with knowledge and technical applications for customers or potential customers. Personally we can never know it all and learning is a life time quest. The more tools we have the more successful we can be for our clients, the more diverse we can be in our market and the more value we bring to those we serve. Webinars are just a efficient way to learn and so many are during lunch time. If I do not have a business lunch to attend it is a great time to stay informed on new technology, new manufacturing and new GREEN efforts on energy savings for clients.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Servers & Energy

The next time the IT VP or the CIO of your company mentions energy, think LEED, think energy use, think Social Media, think Green, think Google, think Yahoo, think about servers,think about the average age of customer or employees, think about stuffication...not an original "Inaism". Think EARTH.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Energy Savings, Green Earth

Stay tuned for the blog tomorrow, you will learn something about energy, green, telephony, IT stats,benefits/HR/health care and the hand-shake between all, as well as geographics and costs. We live in a open environment, remember fifth grade, which is probably more like 1st or 2nd grade now. Closed environments die. Open environments are too,now. It's all about energy, human and man-made making problems as well as greed, negativity, media overload. Stay your eyes and look around and beyond yourself, look at the earth from afar, and up close too. Look at both, we need to make a difference here now.

Webinares for Training

Lately viewing a webinar each week for staying up to date in the telecom & data arena currently not touching. This is a fantastic way to learn about areas we know about but not consider our self experts. Vendors are providing this service for free and learning about the core values and how vendors are attempting to be green manufacturing as well as interface applications. Unfortunately time is the only limit because there are many choices every week.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Sage Planning

Relocating, building or system upgrades need to be project managed long before choices begin. So often RFP, Request for Proposal, RFI, Request for Information, RFA, Request for Acquistion etc., vendors are choosen in the good ole boy buddy system so the request can eliminate vendors by selection. Annoying as this can be it happens, frequently. For protecting the true interest of your organization, objectivity should be the focus as well as equipment matched with application(s) inside the environment. Marketing, call centers, customer service and all departments have special needs. Vendors rarely understand the culture because they do not work in your organizations environment. Even with experience in a profession or field does not address organizational culture. Just as families are diverse so is the culture inside a company. All real estate, all insurance, all utility providers are unique. Taking culture and application into consideration should not be a guessing game. Use the tools for buying any purchase is smart decision making. Ask divisions, ask employees, ask department heads, ask the employees. Real answers come from a varities of experience.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Trust and Ethical Issues

We are currently in a trust deficit when doing business with people. If the reputation isn't already established it is difficult to waltz into a business and expect to sell products and services. Today's environment we need to concentrate on no errors, doing what is in the best interest of the client, as well as knowing our products good qualities and the not so good qualities. If asked a question be 100% sure you know without a doubt your answer is correct. Being above the pack is critical, honestly is King. Being straight forward and truthful is top priority.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Ethics, Energy, Environment

Holding vendors responsible for your energy bill is important. When changing out
equipment when upgrading, relocating, technology needs make sure you ask about the equipments energy costs. Responsible vendors are buying from responsible manufacturers that are attempting to save energy. Protecting the budget is important. The bigger (capacity of lines and telephones/hardwired instruments) the more energy is used.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Naming Names

Why are power companies attempting to ask consumers to save energy? Harping again.
Buy the wrong equipment, you are going to pay in power bills as long as you have the system. Do you want to pay higher power bills? Do you want to use up what energy is left? It's time the put the word ethics back in business? After the last two years someone needs to speak up for truth, ethics, a passion for right ways to do business. You guys and gals may like sports, that's fine, but do not lie to your clients because I'm watching, competition is out the door when it comes to ethics. Do not allow vendors to run your business. Some are great. I do not make decisions for you but I will not allow you to use an unethical vendor unless you choose to and if that's the way it is, I do not need you as a customer.

I do research! I know stuff, 27 years experience, call me.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ethics and Vendors

Once again a story is told about allowing the wrong company to hire vendor, management poor decision process. Employee decisions regardless of where in the hierarchy that person is, including the top echelon, decision based for what is assumed known is not the way to decide. 80% of decisions have no quantifying! That's serious. In a conversation with a provider he agreed with the fact we assume roll defines expertise. Not so. When rate of return is involved look at all angles: Risk management, marketing impact, customer service both big C and little c, real options, value added propositions process improvement, does it help employees more and cut costs and not last nor a complete list, rate of return i.e. revenue. Staying connected to the revenue translated into customer and customer service is the main reason for the business to exist. No connection, no customers, end of story.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Whether you're are starting a new business, finding a job, serial entrepreneur, or just connecting a newtwork there's a give and take process. Compatibilty is the issue. Talking listening and speaking is critical to success. The same goes with computer networking. It all has to worked together for a smooth operation.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Green is associated with money

Remember, I know I'm harping again but if at all possible unplug any laptop, desktop or for that matter any electronic device. Remember the smaller the chip (inside) the more energy it uses. Leaving the office, unplug and press the display button too. It not only makes your information less vunerable and more secure it helps save.
Utilities make up a huge part of corporate budgets and we are using more and more energy. Power grids are not designed for unsustainable amounts of use. Be smart, be wise, respect the earth, the future of animals and mankind alike.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Return on Investment

Recently a Kellogg Research Institute report said 30% of projects fail. The failure was indicated by mistakes and poor decisions. I'm wondering how many new construction projects fail. Where are the statistics that indicate what specifics are related to new construction? Which part of the projects higher stats. In the same report IT energy usage is as high as the airline industry usage while power companies are adovcating protecting power grids where does put the fact that 74% of projects are not tracked? That's suicide for construction.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Understanding Energy Use

During a webinar yesterday one of the presenters said "Data centers are using as much energy as the total of the airline industry is using energy per year". Oh my goodness. If this is sure and if a statement is true heard on another webinar that the smaller the chip the more energy is used my question is this: Where are we going with technology and when will this consumption stop? Power grids are not without limitations. This resource is not renewable from natural resources. Ok, so you are thinking this should be on the Green Chatter blog? Well maybe so but the thought is also about technology, not just Green. The two topics are aligned, closely aligned.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Compatibllity Issues

If replacing some equipment and not all make sure the compatiblity issues are addressed on the front end before the order is given. Ask for referrals of like systems, including servers, file share devices, storage devices, telephone equipment, call support centers, data centers. Once the order is placed, the invoice sent and equipment installed it is too late to back track. Money is budgeted and finding enough to redo is expensive in many ways. No one knows it all and so often I know everyhing degrees are handed out with certain professions. People don't know, what they don't know and some think they know it all!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

New Ideas

Firewalls, duct trays, construction, cable, plugs, jacks, I've been there and I will help through fire walls, protection for your client, smart decisions, good environmental decisions, all good, call me, I will help you.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Still in a quandary

Not sure how geeks think but when hard drives are replaced the PC takes a whole new look. Replaced what? If the CD has my files why can I not read anything on the PC.
Ownership is interesting. The psychology of thinking has taken an interesting twist the past four days. Trying to figure out what a stranger was thinking when they were responsible for reconfiguring hard drive, files, copy and paste basics is a job!
This has taken "back up" to a new level in my work world. Now it will be a weekly assignment maybe even daily.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Down Times

As a smart, busy, business technogoly savvy person in the last 3 weeks I have been scammed, spammed, and emotionally, financially, abused the past three weeks. Lost harddrive, paid through the nose on debit cards replacement, hard drive replacement, time, you name it. I>E. No blog yesterday! Tonight has been just frustration!!