CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,
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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Time is so precious

Voice over IP or VOIP may make sense in some cases but not every case. When testing this choice of access for your business try calling a VOIP referral. How do they sound? Can you hear crisp conversation? Do they sound like they are in a tunnel?

One of the best ways to check for technology is to make sure you understand what customers are going to experience. I always smile when I hear about large companies being awarded a kudo for customer service knowing full well their customer service stinks. If sound quality is an issue how does that stack up with customer service?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Lesson Learned

If you are without a PC and you are using a hotel internet to update your blog, caution is when you are unlikely to have a buddy from the seminar you are attending sit down and start chirping. People are engaging and I always fall sucker to chirping people if they are engaging. Yesterday waiting to interview a colleague for the book I'm writing this happened to me.

Another lesson learned was flying out of any airport close to Washington the plane will be late, quaranteed. If you know otherwise I'd love to know what airline you used. I may not be in Baltimore for another ten years but leaving BWI yesterday on my favorite airline was a pain...yup, the W stands for Washington as in DC. The interviews are coming to an end so no more travel.

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times will be on my website by year end 2009.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Technology Overload

Attending a seminar recently in this industry, I became painfully aware of the rapidity of technology liquidation or maybe evaportation? The changes in technology are becoming so quick is there a human being that can keep up with one quarter of it all let alone the entire industry. Perhaps if we had more collaboration.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The magic of listening

Listening to customers is critical for understanding the needs of employees, customers, management and shareholders. Communication is such as basic principal and we do it so poorly. I have not seen a job ad in years that does not say interpersonal skills or good communication skills needed. Companies want to to communicate and good communication solves people problems. Developing communication skills should be a part of all education including college. Reading develops vocabulary. Listening should be as important if not more so then talking.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Relocation Blues Go Green

Maybe the economy is in the dumps but there must be some companies surviving the turmoil. Companies are still relocating, investments are still being made in property and in people. One of the best advantages to relocating is correcting the building codes for GREEN inventions made in recent months a chance to hire fresh employees for those not wanting to relocate. Plus an opportunity to evaluate equipment, furniture and rid the waste from file cabinets. Every city and every state has a culture, a beauty, great ethic restaurants, local goodies for consumers and corporations. Relocating can be a boom for motivation too. Discovery was never a man's quest, it's the excitment of finding something new that drives humans to discovery.