CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,
back cover

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Interesting information regarding E911

Only 17 or so states have implemented enhanced 911 features and the critical driver is public safety. Saved lives because we have the best information and ways to locate those in danger, with health problems or injury victims. How long will it be before there are GPS systems installed in people? Science fiction may be closer then ever.

We have laser surgery, global navagation, xray technology advances, space exploration and even space flying machines are being devised. Maybe we can protect children from abuse, catch criminals before the act is committed, locate the missing pet, as well as continue to navagate the world for entertainment or commerce.

In the next twenty years it will be interesting to see where we go with public safety and privacy issues. And where lines will be drawn on both.

Monday, June 20, 2011


Voice over the internet...why do some people sound like they are living in a barrel.
Voice over IP that is not installed correctly for one thing. Infrastructure is important and the larger the company the more important it is for the voice to sound good. Telephones are not obsolete and the voice reflects the image of the person and the company. Sounding "tinny" is not good!

We are off the track with dress code, image of employee, image of business and technology gone awry. Cleavage, flip-flops, short dresses, too much jewelry are not appropriate for the workplace environment. Cell phones are everywhere, texting is at an all time high and when are people working?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Dumming down America

Why do I have micro chips in my kitchen appliances...I think I can operate a washing machine, a refrigerator, a stove and everything else that should be electro mechanica. As we increase the chips we also increase the opportunity for whatever the chip is in to not be disposed of porperly. This impacts negatively the landfills, the environment, the air (breathing poison), the ground water (eventually it will seep into the ground) and many animals.

Why does some design engineer think it is beneficial to not be able to change the cycle on my washing machine? Cars talk, GPS's talk, and toys talk...why when people can not keep from running their mouth do we need "things" to talk too?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Dummying down America, again.

Thank you sir but I do not need a washing machine with a chip as in silicon valley type chip in it. The engineers have gone too far. Then when it breaks and needs to be destroyed the "chips" can leech into ground water and kill or contaminate a few animals and people. Chips have up to seven deadly chemicals or were you aware of that while making millions each year? And another thing, why did GE not pay taxes last year? If we want to eliminate the deficit why do so many corporations get tax breaks...just an idea the Congress is not serving anyone but themselves, again. Surprise, surprise.

Back to the washing machine. Someone in GE's engineering department decided to make sure if I change my mind about how I want to wash a load of clothes I can not change the cycle choice mid-stream. I have a brain and I know how to use it just fine. I do not need chips in refrigerators, washing machines, or other kitchen appliances. Where will man's stupidity stop? Why do we need electronics running our lives? I do not have an answer to this, only sadness at the condition we will leave this world for future generations.

Monday, April 11, 2011

treking into problem solving

We have a communication problem and no one wants to talk about it so my question is this...if we don't talk about the problem (s) will they just go away? Resolution to any problem and the relationship building is still important. Letting someone know your values, know your interest, show you care, it all adds up to solving the problems and acting with integrity, ethics and caring about the other persons values too...solving the problems can only be through careful dialogue. Respectful of all factors and human components alike.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Helping a friend

Over lunch today the discussion was "what is bandwidth?" Trying to explain a complex industry and the matrix of fiber, ring topology, diverse routing, acronyms, carrier switches, points of presence, data/voice configurations and all that over lunch. Confusing stuff for the unexperienced...remembering when I was solving problems for a carriers clients...they were clueless about orders, provisioning, process, methodology, outside plant, engineering, work orders, flow and most of all their inability to communicate internally and certainly externally!

Fortune 500 companies are the worst at communication as well as some of the government agencies including military. Battle is one thing, electronics within the carrier world is a different animal entirely. Understanding the basics about human communication is so simple, if we just DID it...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Technology and Social Structure

Technology and Social Structure when considering where we currently are today.

I see three issues in the market place, the social media places, the social interactions:
1) Are we losing the relationship?
2) Are we losing the unspoken communication i.e. non-verbal language because the percentages change depending on the author but non-verbal language makes up a tremendous part of our intent, our feelings, our beliefs all through our body languare.
3) Gadgets are gadgets...A young entrepreneur I know told me they're business is all about the relationship. His words "we are a relationship businesss and I think we are going back to relationships in business." People are so much more important than things.

Just some thoughts to share.