CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,
back cover

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

CEO Speaks book

Excerpts from interviews with the CEO’s in CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times released June 10, 2010

Sustainability is a mind set. Innovation creates value, strategy captures value, and human beings deliver value. The human being is the one delivering the value: people to people, business to business, in the community, in the neighborhoods. When people talk about sustainability and growth, I come back to mindset and the human being who chooses to consistently deliver relevant value or not. The global meltdown has been a reality check. Everything is connected to everything else. We are literally one degree of separation. As a people, we are connected on this planet. It is important to recognize no matter the time, the distance, the geography, the culture, whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly. Sustainability is a mind set, an attitude and outlook on life.

Edith C. Varley, President, The Varley Group, St. Louis, MO

During our interview Shelley shared by writing African and American on the back of an envelope. By separating the words with a line the message become, I Can. He also shared the message he presents to children through a video of prison stories and lost lives. Shelley does not tout race. Shelley promotes education.

Afr ican
Amer ican

Shelley’s mother was Mattie C. Stewart she was killed when his father knocked her out of a two story window in a drunken state. Shelley was one of four sons. One died in the Korean War, one died in prison, one died here after Shelley brought him home to die. Hence, Shelley’s passion The Mattie C. Steward Foundation began as a way to keep students from dropping out of school. Shelley’s passion is education, keeping children in school and keeping them out of prison. This is written in his life’s story. Shelley’s program exhibits a school bus with the back simulating a prison, the front a school room.

Shelley Stewart, CEO, O2 Ideas, Birmingham, Alabama

Serving as an expert witness can be nerve wracking. The attorney’s job is to win the case so they come up with things you never think would be addressed in those environments. Our firm concentrates on mentoring others. Our focus is to be the best and we are well respected among other accounting firms.

Kelly Todd, Senior Partner, Forensic Solutions with offices in
Birmingham, Alabama, Los Angeles, California, Dallas, Texas

Give me someone who has Emotional Intelligence, someone who has gone through the school of hard knocks, a student of life with American ingenuity. I like people who like get things done, a person that can accomplish what ever their goal is, what ever the job is; I like a scraper. I have a good family life, a good business life and a good community life.

Charles Collat, Chairman Emeritus, Mayer Electric Supply
Birmingham, Alabama

I find that one of the pitfalls of talking about this is that it can come across as self-righteous or aggrandizing or somehow pious. It is important for me to find the right language to use, to your point about communication when you are speaking with someone. When you are delivering a message, you have to deliver it to the person you are speaking to in a language that they understand. You do not want to water down what you are saying so much that you become a chameleon just for the purposes of getting someone’s approval. I do think it is important to be able to frame the concepts that one is talking about in the language of the audience to whom you are speaking.

President of Williamson Auto Group, Trae Williamson, Miami, Florida

In 2008, TransAction—as staff to the Neponset Valley TMA—was selected by the Federal Transit Administration in a competitive bid process to manage the National Rural Technical Assistance Program (National RTAP). Working for the Federal government for the first time can certainly be challenging as a small company, but we report to two women who have truly been supportive and helped us work through the process.

Cindy Frene, CEO TransAction Solution, Inc., Waltham, Massachusetts

Each chapter in the book ends with Sage Advice in highlighted form from each interview. The following is an example:

Sage Advice

- Emotional Intelligence is important –

- Serve in nonprofit if you are a for profit business -

- Care about others-

- Nurture is as important as structure -

- Accept yourself and accept others -

- Connection is better than separation -

- Unity is better than individual separation -

- Make a meaningful contribution in a compassionate way -

- Life has many treasures including our planet, our earth, our world -

- Words do not have inherent meaning –

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