CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,
back cover

Monday, December 21, 2009

Applications again

After almost 30 years in a business one would think there is little non-touched about an industry yet unique challenges are on the horizon. A new application for learning, which is a quest of mine, sought or not, I find learning a love relationship. The brain is challenged into strategic mode, analytical processes surface, creative mode rises and yet another(learning) curve bits the dust...always learning, always a challenge, another feat mastered...or at least lessened to a fraction of the formidable science of selling, consulting and coaching so everyone walks away feeling better and adding money to the end result; company and person. The Great American Dream is alive and well, one only must embrace the negative, ignore that which we can not control, continue to march into positive solutions and be all we can be, here and now.

All that said...this holiday season...for anyone in the reading audience...

My heart goes out to people in need, those without hope, needing food and shelter, abused, neglected, hungry, angry, yet I can not heal those I do not know. My prayer this holiday season is to touch some one's life...someone access or not...touch someone in your environment to heal this nation in distress, a nation of people needing to know someone cares. A gentle touch, a kind word, a violation forgiven, to say "I care about you". God Bless all those who read this message.

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