CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,
back cover

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Mergers and Acquisitions

Talking with a former colleague recently we discussed the industries giants and Wall Street. Talking about how Wall Street had moved one company to a buy position that earlier in the year was in trouble financially. Seems as if the reverse has happens among those still forging ahead. Too many mergers and acquisitions, too maybe hostile take overs, too much money wasted on poor executive or board decisions and the bank comes calling. Telephony has seen enough corruption and prison sentences to last a very long time. This industry not unlike health care, energy, mortgages, savings and loan (almost a distinct word not) and on and on and on. Corporate America needs to take care of the good ethical people they employee instead of filling the coffers. Companies need to make a profit and executives need to be rewarded but rewarding executives with millions while lay off workers is very poor judgement on the part of Boards responsible for this recent lack of insight...shame on you.

Only in America can people be so greedy and entire financial system is hurt. As one CEO recently said "the government can't solve it's own problems how can they solve ours (in business)? Leaning on the taxpayers and taxing businesses is not smart. Legislators should have term limits of two terms just like the President. No one deserves a tax free income for 30, 40 or 50 years and the combined health care plan totally free for life when the average worker is paying the tab. We have a very poor legislative system that needs an over-haul.

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