CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,
back cover

Friday, April 30, 2010

cell bills going up?

A colleague recently shared a story about a corporate audit where she saved the company over 8K dollars a month. The culprit was text charges...employees think that's the way to communicate but it not acceptable when a company is paying the bill. Voicemail may go by the way side but email and voice calls are still the way to do business...sorry twenty somethings. Texting is expensive and I resent customers costing me money because their lives are organized enough to understand it is not appreciated.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

SIP and technology made easy

Following a SIP presentation I was impressed with the vendor and the knowledge of making the product work. There was two small issues not covered in the presentations.

1) Power outages and yes they do happen. Last night a technician in a CO in Venice Florida took a circuit down for about an hour. I was cut off a call and when I called the party back could hear ringing with no answer.

2) What about SIP trucks and security? Hackers are pounding away at fire walls constantly and consistently waiting for the right vulnerable moment, that is a guarantee.

So answer all the questions even the ones not asked!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

cell phones

A business associate is focusing on cell phone audits. After doing so for one clients she saved the organization 1/2 the cost they were being billed...when companies provide cell phones for employees do not expect employees to text. No texting and no International roaming either. As one associate said it is about the client and saving them money in this economy...we can help do that. Our network of people have thousands of years of experience doing just that...saving clients money
through reducing expenses.

We are the best!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


During the days of layoffs and low profit margins has companies evaluate the number of access lines they have...the providers would probably say something like, "you're under contract, you can't change that now. My question is do you know when your contract expires? Providers do not tell you when your contract expires nor do they call you and say, "would you like to re-sign"? No, they automatically put you into another contract or a month to month situation.

It isn't in their best interest to communicate with their clients. Especially since we have learned to use computers so we do not have to talk to absurd we are in the field of technology. We're putting computers in everything and "dumbing down" society. As one writer put it we're educated to the point of imbecility.