CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,
back cover

Sunday, March 14, 2010

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times

Nine months into this project and already I feel a sense of relief knowing I can concentrate for marketing my consulting skills and the book. Within a month it will be exciting project, a wonderful experience, meeting wonderful people through networking with people that knew my integrity and level of faith plus confidence helped too...I can do anything I choose to do with class and completeness.

Engaging, trusting the CEO's came forward, only one questioned me and I did not know him so that is OK and his prerogative, it was his interview, his time, his credibility and his name. As one CEO said his grandfather told him, "Son, all you have in life is your name". Good you think Wall Street forgot? Because no one with millions in bonuses and a sense of entitlement in the millions of bonuses has a good name, we are on to you now and the taxpayers money is at stake. No more bonuses for bad behavior, no more rewarding and taking from the American people, no more Congressional screw ups, no more political everyone out of Congress, House and Senate. American's let us clean house, literally in November every time we vote, let's take back our country from dirty money, in and out of Wall Street and Washington no more lobbyists money...and while I say that can we give Obama some support for attempting to help instead of bad mouthing and coming up with fabrications on his religion plus other garbage. Bush II almost destroyed our country with all his cabinet and I voted for him, shame on me.

We have supported many Presidents without a good reputation and causing shame on a country, to a country, to their family, to the world. Change is needed and it is still an election process that allows the sequence to perpetuate upon it's self. If this nonsense does not stop soon it may be too late, if not already. Supporting self interest while in Congress is not what was to be done by our founding fathers. Serve in Congress means served for life for those there. Not right, not moral, not ethical, not anything but self serving...end of story

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Re-read article on phone company charges

Which I have seen on dozens of is an ongoing problem for businesses and yet one account the two people made 19.2 million. A bit of cash wouldn't one say.

Again, as reported in the Washington Post the some of the companies turn their heads to the charges. Interesting way to care about one's client, those paying...small business and big business alike.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Wireless plus

Termination fee on cell contract are stiff without any reason yet it is all in the fine print...

Wireless is responsible according to science for messing up the bees solar system...they can not find their way home to the hive...

Cramming is very real and resurgent wave is growing for tiny charges the phone companies have on their answer for where the charges come from...according to the Washington Post cramming can be a very good way to make a living...

The crooks always find a way to ride on the coattails of society...entitlement to be a crooks...the question is who parented these people!!?

Saturday, March 6, 2010

wireless and honey bees

Cavaet: I am not a scientist nor is research in nature my full time job, I simply care about future generations. Is there a way to stop the demand for wireless toys?

With some evidence suggesting a correlation to wireless and loss of honeybees are the geeks in the world eventually going to kill off mankind? Without the bees there is no pollination! Without pollination there is no fruit and vegetables. This is serious information to consider.