CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,

CEO Speaks, Sage Advice During Turbulent Times,
back cover

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Listening to the words

Attending a business venue this morning I am always amazed at the poor listening within an audience and a person. Others are talking and we fail to hear the words or interpret the meaning within us vs. meaning intended by the speaker. In business I am sure millions if not billions of revenue is lost every year due to poor listening.

After the key note speaker opened the session for questions someone in the audience asked a question that had been answered during the speech. I was amazed the person had missed the comment. The speech was on energy and we do not have turbines for power in the southeast due to wind verbosity needed to make the turbines produce energy which is 30 miles an hour.

In telecommunication electronic orders have codes for any service to be installed. If one code is incorrect orders (then installations) stagnate for days, weeks and even months if communication does not flow between companies. No communication, no service, no revenue, no application, it is that simple. We all need to become better communicators.